Wednesday, February 3, 2010

dirt cheap bites the dust

I used to think that buying cheap, generic products at discount stores saves me more money in the long run. But once I started scouting for discounted items at specialty retail stores, I replenished my supplies less frequently and hence, saved a whole lot more. If the discounted item is still more expensive than its generic counterpart, I permit the occasional splurge on the following conditions: (1) if the likelihood that this product will ever go on sale again is comparable to how often my husband remembers to put the toilet seat down, and (2) if quality and longevity outweigh the price.

Cases in point:

$16 shaving cream from Body Shop (bought on sale at $4). My husband has been using this cream for – I kid you not -- a year and a half, and he still has about a quarter leftover! Plus, he shaves everyday. The cream is so rich and potent that a little goes a long way.

Lush Cosmetics Shampoo Bar – Prices range from $7.95 to $9.95. I am a huge fan of Lush Cosmetics. I purchase their products online or make a daytrip to Anaheim on special occasions. Their solid shampoo bars may cost a wee bit higher than drugstore brands, but it does wonders for my hair. A bar of solid shampoo lasts me 4 months (and counting) compared to a bottle of shampoo that lasts 3-4 weeks on my medium-length hair. A quick rub on the scalp (which shouldn’t take more than 3 seconds) creates just enough foam to shape your hair like Astroboy’s (or any other quirky character with weird hair).

$80 hiking shoes bought on sale for $30 at Sports Authority. When it comes to shoes, comfort and durability reign supreme. Price and style, a close second. I've learned my lesson twice. I once bought a pair of cheap rubber shoes for my husband and a few months later, the outsole ripped apart while he was walking! A heel once came off my leather shoe while I was sight-seeing at the park and I had to ask a brawny passerby to rip the heel off my other shoe to even my height out. Its short life expectancy didn't bother me as much as the dramatic and untimely way these dirt cheap shoes exhausted their mortal span.

The key is knowing when bashful deals come out of hiding, and that will be the subject of another post. Sometimes, all it takes is to prowl specialty retail stores known for upholding respectable quality standards for deals that prefer to keep their existence under wraps.

Next week, I’ll be filling you in on a great way to make that welcome transition from loyal window shopper to bargain hunter!


  1. hey! i actually recently just bought a Lush shampoo solid and i LOVE it! I just rubbed it on my head for a very short amount of time and it lathered so well! I was so surprised! :) I love Lush too!

  2. oh my gosh! it's so great to meet a kindred spirit!! And I see in your blog that you wrote about Lush! I'm gonna comment on that. Here's to lushaholics!
